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The Big Ben in London
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San Juan
Puerto Rico
Street in old San Juan, Puerto Rico
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Puerto Vallarta
Arial view of boat next to a beach in Puerto Vallarta
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Toronto skyline
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The Trevi Fountain in Rome
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Sunset view of Pura Ulun Danu Beratan in Denpasar
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Tropical beach with coconut palm in Cancun
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New Delhi
Humayun's Tomb in New Delhi, India
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View from a hotel's infinity pool looking out on an ocean and mountain
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Tokyo tower and Mt. Fuji
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Poolside of a hotel with a striped lounge chair
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Elegant hotel lobby
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View from a hotel's infinity pool looking out on an ocean and mountain
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Tokyo tower and Mt. Fuji
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Poolside of a hotel with a striped lounge chair
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Elegant hotel lobby
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View of Eiffel Tower from a hotel balcony
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Punta Cana
Dominican Republic
Tropical sea view at window in Punta Cana resort
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United Arab Emirates
Skyline featuring Burj Al Arab in Dubai
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Vancouver hotel lobby
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United Kingdom
London Bridge and River Thames
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Mexico City
Historic buildings in Mexico City
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Hotel restaurant view of Wat Arun Temple in Bangkok
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Montego Bay
Swimming pool at a resort hotel next to Montego Bay
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Sunset at Kiyomizu-dera Temple surrounded by cherry blossoms
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The Pyramids and bedouins in the desert of Giza, Egypt
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Woman pointing to jellyfish in dark aquarium
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Guggenheim museum building
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Sunset at Kiyomizu-dera Temple surrounded by cherry blossoms
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The Pyramids and bedouins in the desert of Giza, Egypt
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Woman pointing to jellyfish in dark aquarium
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Guggenheim museum building
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Explore with Scott
and Collette Stohler

Explore with
Chelsea Yamase

Explore with
Alex Boggi

Explore with
Robert Strok

Scott and Collette Stohler holding their child in Nantucket, Massachusetts
Chelsea Yamase standing inside her father's fishing boat
Alex Broggi outside Lake Tahoe near trees
Rob strok sitting with mountains and forest behind him
Scott and Collette Stohler holding their child A circular close-up of Chelsea Yamase Alex Broggi's profile image Rob Strock's profile image

Explore with Scott
and Collette Stohler

Discover how they used Google to plan a learning-filled family vacation to the heart of breezy Nantucket.

Explore with
Chelsea Yamase

Dig into how Google helped her plan a trip home to embrace family and nature in Hawaii.

Explore with
Alex Boggi

Find out how Google helped him plan a summer trip to beautiful Lake Tahoe.

Explore with
Robert Strok

Check out how Google helped him plan a getaway to Montana’s glacial lakes and rugged mountains.

Scott and Collette Stohler holding their child in Nantucket, Massachusetts
Collette Stohler crouching with her child on a beach near a lighthouse
Collette Stohler crouched near hear child while on a boardwalk
Coasting in Nantucket
Watch as they use Google to find the right flights, hotel, and sites to create the perfect toddler-friendly trip. Then plan your own trip.
Fly to Nantucket
Chelsea Yamase standing inside her father's fishing boat
Chelsea Yamase next to her father and holding a large fish they caught
Chelsea Yamase sitting on a ridge on a mountain in Hawaii reading a book
Returning home to Hawaii
Learn how Chelsea uses Google’s price graph tool to find the ideal price on flights. Then try it yourself.
Fly to Hawaii
Alex Broggi outside Lake Tahoe near trees
A rocky, tree-lined shoreline next to the water in Lake Tahoe
Alex Broggi standing on a boulder that overlooks Lake Tahoe
Soaking up Lake Tahoe
Watch Alex’s story to learn how Google’s date grid helped him find flights that fit his budget. Then start your own search.
Fly to Lake Tahoe
Rob strok sitting with mountains and forest behind him
A wooden pathway leading into the countryside at Glacier National Park, Montana
Rob Strok standing on a rock in the middle of a glacial lake
Roaming in Glacier National Park, Montana
Learn how Rob leans on Google user reviews to find the perfect stays and sites for his getaways. Then plan your own.
Fly to Montana

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